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IB Middle Years Program (7-9)
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204 Canadian Bay Rd, Mount Eliza, VIC 3930
(03) 9787 6288
Our school zone is available on findmyschool.vic.gov.au which hosts the most up-to-date information on school zones in Victoria.
Students residing in this zone are guaranteed a place at our school, which is determined on the basis of your permanent residential address.
Our school manages enrolments using the Placement Policy to ensure that students have access to their designated neighbourhood school and may enrol at another school, if there are available places.
Enrolment Process
The Primary School initiates the enrolment process for all Grade 6 students. In April each year they will provide families with the relevant information and the enrolment preference form required to select a secondary school. The enrolment preference form requires that you select two secondary school in order of preference. This information is returned to the Primary School who will pass the information onto the secondary schools.
If you wish for your child to attend Mount Eliza Secondary College and you do not live in our zone, it is advisable to list our College as your first preference. Please note this does not guarantee entry to the College; places remain dependent upon the criteria listed by the Department for enrolment. The preference form must be returned to the Primary School by the date stipulated by the Department of Education. This date is usually in May and is the same date for the whole state. Applications outside this process may not be considered unless the child is attending an Independent School.
Enrolment offers are made through the Primary School.
Students who are within our zone will be accommodated. Places for students outside the area are subject to availability.
At Mount Eliza Secondary College, the following process is in place for any students wishing to enrol from Years 8-12.
Parents need to email their Expression of Interest together with the following documentation to info@mesc.vic.edu.au
Once we have received the above information your enrolment will proceed to stage two.
An Assistant Principal will review your expression of interest to ensure we are able to offer a place for your child. At this stage you will be invited to arrange a tour of the College if you have not already done so.
The number of vacancies varies significantly from year level to year level, and we will try to accommodate your child where possible. Students who move into the local neighbourhood area (as defined by the Department) will be prioritised if there are limited places.
The College accepts enrolment applications for Year 10 and 11 at the start of our Jumpstart Program (November/December) and mid-year. Year 12 applications are considered at the beginning of our Jumpstart Program. It is extremely rare for Year 12 students to be enrolled during the year, unless they have shifted into our local school area.
Once you have completed a school tour, an Assistant Principal will organise a meeting with you and your child to discuss their needs. Confirmation of enrolment including enrolment forms will be communicated at this time.
Should you have any questions, please contact the relevant Assistant Principal:
Celeste Lombardi- Middle Years Program 7-9 clombardi@mesc.vic.edu.au
Micah Davis- Senior Pathways Program 10-12 mdavis@mesc.vic.edu.au
Please complete the following forms and return to the College.
Student Application Form 2024
Department of Education Enrolment Checklist