notebook program

Notebook Program

“The advance of technology is based on making it fit in so that you don't really even notice it, so it's part of everyday life.”
- Bill Gates, Co-founder of Microsoft


Mount Eliza Secondary College is committed to providing our students with access to learning technologies and online learning. Our Notebook Program aims to improve student engagement in regular classes and provide enhanced teaching and learning practices for both students and teachers. These programs have been successfully implemented in Australia and overseas, and the most dramatic improvements have taken place in environments where students have had their own mobile learning device. In addition, we provide access to the Microsoft 365 suite for students. This allows students to install the Microsoft suite on up to 5 computers to enable students to use a consistent application platform on any device they wish to use.

In partnership with Learning with Technologies (LWT), we have created our own BYOD (Bring your own device) portal that contains a range of recommended tablet devices. These devices provide the flexibility of being used as a touch screen tablet with the full functionality of a traditional notebook. In addition, there is the benefit of a stylus which can annotate anything displayed on the screen and also be used to practice drawing/painting skills providing greater precision over using a finger.

Due to COVID related production constraints that could impact stock, and pricing later this year, it is advisable to place your orders sooner than later. The Portal has an option for a $100 deposit to lock your order in, allowing you to pay the device over time. Once paid in Full, the unit will be shipped.

Please direct any enquiries to

How to purchase

Devices can be purchased through our BYOD supplier (LWT).  Our recommended configuration includes a 3 year onsite warranty.

Learning with Technologies (LWT)

Please click below to enter the LWT purchasing portal.

Enter LWT Portal

Student Responsibilities

Students are expected to bring their notebook to school fully charged and ready to use for the day.  We are not permitted to have equipment onsite that has not been test and tagged and notebook chargers in classrooms are an Occupational Health and Safety tripping hazard.

The primary purpose of the device is for their learning, and while at school, that is the expectation.  Students are required to read, sign and agree to the Acceptable Use document each year which details the appropriate use of ICT.  It is also the responsibility of the student to store their device in their secured locker when the device is not in use.

Supplied Software

Students will be supplied with access to the following software and web portals to use on their device.  This list doesn’t list everything but the main software and services are:

  • Microsoft 365 – which includes the applications Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Publisher OneNote, Outlook and Teams.
  • 1TB of Cloud Storage using OneDrive.
  • JacPlus eBook Bundle (this is itemised and included in the fee structure for students in year 7-10)
  • Compass – web based portal containing student timetables, class resources and reports.
  • ManageBac – web based portal for IB curriculum (for years 7-9).
  • Education Department provided software including STILE, Clickview and Adobe Creative Cloud.

Minimum Notebook Specifications

If you already have a computer that you would like to use, we can provide support to connect it to the College WIFI network.  However, we ask that you look at the information contained below to ensure that the minimum notebook specifications are met.  For devices that are not purchased through the LWT portal, we will provide support to access the College WIFI network and our supplied services but the software and hardware support on the device is entirely your responsibility.

  • A notebook with a keyboard (A Hybrid notebook such as the Lenovo Yoga is preferred as it can be folded onto itself to also act as a tablet device)
  • Windows 10 or 11 Pro
  • 128gb solid state drive
  • 8gb RAM
  • At least a 6 hour battery life
  • Touch screen (a model that supports a stylus is recommended)
  • Maximum screen size of 14 inches (we don’t want students carrying around notebooks that are too big or too heavy.)

Frequently Asked Questions

Do we need to purchase the recommended device?

The devices recommended have been tested & proven for durability within a school environment and we have the ability to fully support the software and hardware with this device.  We can log any warranty jobs on your behalf and a technician will arrive onsite to repair any faulty device (provided the 3 year onsite warranty has been purchased).  For devices that are not purchased through the LWT portal, the software and hardware support is entirely your responsibility.

We already own a notebook, do we need to purchase a brand new device?

If you believe that you have a comparable device that meets our minimum specifications, then we will be able to connect the device to our network and support connecting to the services we provide.  However, please note that if you are using another device, all other software and hardware support is entirely your responsibility.

Can we use an iPad or Chromebook?

iPads or Chromebooks are not recommended for students as they do not offer the same level of functionality as the Windows notebooks.  Many schools, including ours, have moved away from iPads due to these limitations and the improvements in Windows touchscreen devices.  In addition, when teachers are designing curriculum and determining which tools to use, they will be thinking in terms of students using a Windows PC, not an iPad or Chromebook.

What is the expected life of the device?

The device recommended has been tested & proven durability within a school environment and should be expected to last 3 years.  This is the reason why we recommend the 3 year onsite warranty to allow a degree of protection to achieve the 3 year mark.  Sometimes the device may last longer or it may not last the 3 years, this is generally determined by the level of care provided by the student in addition to regular level of wear and tear.

Do we need to purchase additional items?

It is recommended that students have a carry case or protective case for their netbook.  These can be purchased through the LWT portal.

Can students put their own software on their notebook?

As the owner of the notebook you can put anything on your device, as long as the main function of the device is not impaired.  The primary purpose of the notebook at school is Learning, so if there is personal content on the device that prevents or distracts Learning, the content should be removed.

How do I setup my device to use at Mount Eliza Secondary College?

We have some knowledgebase articles to assist setting up your Windows device.  These are contained in the links below.

Please note: if you are bringing a device from another school, please ask your old school to reset or reimage the device to the factory image so that we can start with a fresh installation in order to allow a problem free setup connecting to our school.

For new devices, please follow the information below.

Your device needs to be setup with a username or Microsoft account of your own creation in to follow the instructions below.  We do not recommend using your MESC account to login to your device. Please see the following Knowledgebase articles for setting up a new device:

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